The Seven Trumpet Judgements

Trumpet Description Bible reference
1 Hail, Fire and Blood rained from Heaven Revelation 8 v 7
2 One THIRD of the Oceans and Seas turned to BLOOD Revelation 8 v 8-9
3 One THIRD of drinking water poisoned Revelation 8 v 10-11
4 One THIRD of the planets darkened Revelation 8 v 12
5 Men tormented by a plague of demonic locusts Revelation 9 v 1-11
6 One THIRD of mankind killed by a 200 million strong Oriental army Revelation 9 v 13-19 & 16 v12
7 Satan and fallen angels cast down from the heavenlies Revelation 11 v15-19, & 12 v 7-12
judgments 3
seven seal judgements